Why is Parylene Coating Preferred over Conventional Coatings?
Nano Coatings are used in diverse industrial applications. Due to its unique characteristics, Paylene coating can be used effectively on a wide array of materials, such as metal, ceramic, paper, plastic, ferrite, resin, and silicon. It is an industry-standard conformal coating material that is applied through a unique chemical vapor deposition process. During the Parylene Coating Process , the gaseous Parylene go deeply into the substrate surface. It is able to cover even the most isolated or obscured regions of its topography. These qualities make Parylene a suitable fuel for adaptation to micro-electrical mechanical systems (MEMS) and nano technology applications, as well as larger-scale product treatments. Just like liquid PTFE, polyethylene is known for its durable lubricity and for generating long-lasting and dependable barriers to biological, chemical, electrical, and mechanical conditions. Here are some of the benefits of nano-coatings: Improved Durability: These coating...